The first memory I have is of you, tuning in channel 4 on your TV and when the colourful 4 appeared on the screen your turned and there was that grin and you spoke to me and even though I didn’t understand I felt happy, it was years before I realised I was about 14 months old at the time - didn’t think it was possible but there you are.
My favourite has to be the upside down sun bed on the livingroom floor being the bus and you were a very polite passenger while I ‘drove’ and issued tickets from the pink striped end of rolls you brought home.
The memories are many, you taught me to ride my bike, tried to teach me to swim, would pinch our yorkshire puds if we let you. You played along on April fools day and dug boats in the sand at Redcar. Because of you I can tile a bathroom, wallpaper and grow veg, though not as well as you.
Your endless stories, something for every occasion and from every corner of the country and all around the world and you knew eveyone, everywhere! Not kidding, bumped into someone he knew from Leeds when we were in Turkey.
I love you forever and wish we were still making memories xxxx